Readiness for Math A

Topics and Sample Questions

1. Computation




+ 9








x    7











3/8 of 32 = _____



3 - _____ = 2/9



4 3/5 + 6 3/4 = _____



9 2/7 - 4 7/8 = _____



42 is 1/3 of  = _____







+ 9308




x 48






10 1/4

  8 2/3





6 1/4


3 1/2




Write as a decimal

55 1/4% = _______




Find the average:

50, 13, 92, 48, 27, 12, 73




Write as a percent

5/8 = _______





3 2/3 ft. =              in.









3 1/4yds. =              in.





  5 ft   7 in.

  6 ft.  8 in.

  2 ft.  9 in.



Write as a common fraction in lowest terms.

0.225 = _______




Write as a common fraction in lowest terms.

36 % = _______





7 x 4 1/3 = _______




24 % of 190 = _______




26 sq. yds. = _______ sq.ft.




2. Applied arithmetic

A.  A rectangular playpen measures 75 feet long and 35 feet wide. How many feet of fencing would be required to enclose the playpen?

B.  If you pay $7 each for 7 CD's and $7 each for 4 others, how much change should you get from a $100 bill?

C.  The temperature was 14 degrees below zero in Redding while at the same time it was 79 degrees above zero in San Diego. what was the difference in

      temperatures between those two cities?

D.  If a child is 1/3 of the height of a room, and the room is 10 feet tall how tall is the child?

E.  Theater tickets cost $9 each, but if  7 people enter as a group then the seventh person is allowed in free. If 7 people share the group price, how much does each

      person have to pay?

F.  If a $110 item at a store is offered at a 10% discount, what is the new price?

G.  A mechanic earns $17 an hour and is paid $3 more per hour after 5 PM. how much would the mechanic earn if he works from 2 PM to 8:30 PM?

H.  What is the annual interest earned on an investment of $140 at 8%?

I.  A student failed 12 questions out of 50. What percent did she pass?

J.  A suit cost $132 with a 12% tax included. what was the price without tax?

K. Jimmy spent 1/2 of his allowance on candy and 1/3 on ice cream. what fraction did he have left?

Use the table for problems L, M and N

  Cost per 100 sheets

1 - 500

Cost per 100 sheets

501 - 1000

Cost per 100 sheets

1001 or  more

Plain Paper $6.00 $5.00 $3.50
Color Paper $7.00 $6.00 $4.00

L.  How much does it cost to print 700 sheets on plain paper?

M.  How much does it cost to print 400 sheets on colored paper?

N.  How much would it cost to print 1100 sheets on colored paper if there is an extra charge of $5 for typesetting?

O.  If in a blueprint for a new building one inch equals 200 feet, then how many inches are needed to represent 2500 feet?

P. If an item is on sale for $1.50 per item, how much would 12 of them cost?

Use the chart for problems Q, R and S

The chart represents the budget of a family with an income of $2,700 per month.

Budgeted Items Percent of Budget
Housing 30
Food 25
Car 15
Clothing 10
Savings 5

Q.  How much was the monthly cost for food?

R.  One month food cost an additional 5% of the budget. They decided to take it out of the amount for clothing. What amount did they have left for clothing?

S.  How much was budgeted for utilities?