Image of students lining up before class

Welcome back to school everybody!

We hope you had a great winter break. As you start the semester, here is a flyer that lists several of your academic support options. Academic Support Information

If you're a Statistics or Math E student, be sure to make use of our Stats/E Center in V-208. If you're in any other math class, take advantage of our General Math Center in V-329. Both centers are free for students enrolled in a math class here at Sierra College. Find out more at the Math Center Webpage

If you haven't signed up for classes yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!!! Classes begin on the 23rd of January, so sign up now. You can find out about our math course offerings and openings on the class schedules page. If you want to know more about a specific course, read the course description.

Have a great semester!

From your friendly Sierra College Math Department.